We are always looking for reputable principal private or institutional real estate investors which purchase first position owner or seller financed Real Estate secured Notes and Contracts.

Are you tired of not making a decent return from the stock market? Are you tired of ridiculous low yields from other investments? Then please review this information and complete the form below if you have any desire in working with us. We are fast, fair, and friendly, and specialize in quick, confidential closings. We have lots of experience and have been meeting our customer's needs since 1994!

Are you a private or institutional investor that needs to invest some funds in an area where you can generate a decent yield? If so, please complete the short form below and submit it to us, and we’ll review it and contact you for a brief telephone conversation.

We are primarily buying, selling, and/or investing in first position (and wrap-around second position) Real Estate secured Notes and Contracts on properties located in Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. We will consider purchasing contracts and notes in other states if the current buyer’s equity exceeds 25%. For security reasons, we always provide a lender’s or vendor’s title insurance policy and close our transactions at a local title company (unless you prefer to order your own title insurance policy and/or close your own transactions).

We would only be interested in working with you if you speak very good English, can respond quickly to emails, are in the Central, Mountain, or Pacific Time Zones, and located in the United States. For further information regarding our company, please review the "About Us" page and the "Testimonials” page on our web site. We are proud of our reputation and we look forward to speaking with you. All information you provide is kept in STRICT confidence. Please be assured that we will NOT sell, rent, lease, or otherwise distribute any information you provide us to anyone. Have a nice day!

Principal Private Investors Only:

(ALL Questions with * are REQUIRED)
Company Name, if applicable:
Home Telephone (include area code):
*Cell Telephone (include area code):
*Work Telephone (include area code):
*Time Zone:
*Email Address:

Web Site Address:
*City and State you are located in:
*Do you solicit directly to note sellers:
If "YES" above, explain how and where:
*Do you have immediate liquid funds:
*Can you close your own transactions:
*Will you purchase partial balances:
*Your MINIMUM buyer’s credit score:
*Your MINIMUM yield requirement:
*Your MAXIMUM term requirement:
*Your MINIMUM equity requirement:
*Your MAXIMUM funding capability:
*Do you work with brokers exclusively:
*Can the loan servicing remain in place:
*Do you compose your own closing documents:
*Do you have a minimum discount:
If "YES" above, please provide details:
*If I bring a customer to you, is that customer ALWAYS my customer:
*Will you protect me on future or partial transactions that may be marketed directly to you without my knowledge:
*Property types you would consider:
(select ALL that apply)

*States you would consider:
(select ALL that apply)

Comments or Questions:
(Please be VERY specific)